No More Curling at the Squat Rack

No More Curling at the Squat Rack

Refine & Improve Your Arm Workouts

Tired of fighting for room in the gym when all you’re trying to do is get a good pump going? Our arms room is the perfect space to work on those bi’s and tri’s all day long. We have plenty of specialized equipment to help you hit every angle.


Sq. Ft. Arm Room


Arm Machines

5lb – 150lb

Dumbbell Range


Arm Equipment

Arm Machines

Arm Machines

From vintage to modern and everything in between, we have one of the widest selections of arm machines in the area. If you’re looking to target a specific portion of the muscle groups in your arms, chances are we have something for it!

All The Cable Attachments

All The Cable Attachments

Almost every gym has cable pulleys, but what kind of attachments do they have? Our wide selection of handles and bars in our arms room can help you keep that workout fresh every time.

Specialized Equipment

Specialized Equipment

We have specialized equipment that can help you isolate different muscles groups and achieves new levels of growth. We pride ourselves on our variety and we’re constantly improving the equipment we have. Check out of some of our specialized equipment below:

Forearm Gripper

Wrist & Forearm Machine

Nautilus Bicep Curl & Tri Ext Machine (Circa 1980 Original)

Seated Tricep Kickback



Mon-Thu : 9am-8pm
Fri: 9am-7pm
Sat: 9am-4pm
Sun: 9am-4pm

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Open 24/7, 365 Days
All Facilities Open
Free Parking